Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Gong is a famous blow castanets at asia east. this gong is used for tradisional castanets. in this time bot many again worker gong likes this.

Gong that beaten not yet determinable the tone. new gong tone formed after is rinsed and cleaned. when does the tone still not yet appropriate, gong attenuate so that the bronze layer is flimsier. at south korea is called also kkwaenggwari. But kkwaenggwari made from this brass coloured metal is perfominged by underpined by fifth finger and perfominged by striken a stik short. manner holds kkwaenggwari use five this fingers obvious has special use, because one finger (index finger) can be used to muffle gong vibration and decrease chink voice volume that produced.

Gong list

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