Friday, December 19, 2008

Monument of Queen Boko

Ratu Boko is the ancient site which is a complex number of the remaining buildings that are approximately 3 km to the south of the Prambanan complex, 18km east of Yogyakarta city, or 50km southwest city of Surakarta. Area around the entire complex is 25ha.
This site is estimated to have been used in the 8th century on the Sailendra francisco (Rakai Panangkaran) from the Kingdom of Medang (Hindu Mataram). Seen from the pattern of laying remnants of the building, suspected of strong sites is a former palace (the king of the palace).
The name "Queen Boko" itself based on the legend of the local community. Ratu Boko (harafiah means "king stork") is the father of Loro Jonggrang (the name given to be the main temple complex at Prambanan Temple).
Administratively, this temple is located in the District of Bokoharjo, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Located at a height of nearly 200 m above sea level.

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Baturaden is a tourist destination in Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia. Baturaden is located in the northern city of Pusan on the southern slopes of Mount Slamet. Baturaden because of the location on the slopes has made this area the weather is very mild and tend to be cold, especially at night. Baturaden is also a regional tour that visited by many local tourists, especially on week days and national holidays. These conditions cause many hotels and villas built here.
Baturaden can be reached by using private vehicles and public. Distance from the city of Pusan about 20 km and can be reached in 15 minutes with traffic that is not too dense. If you want to use the vehicles of tourists can ride public transportation terminals in the cities of Pusan and down in the terminal lokawisata Baturaden. If you want more practical travelers can use a taxi. If you decide to use private vehicles, should be careful because the road that uphill with the slope about 30 degrees.

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Friday, December 12, 2008


instrument consists of laths metal menegangkan with string above roofs resonator.
gender this perfominged with tabuh globular (is surrounded cloth layer) with short stalk.
as according to song function, tone area, and the size, there two kinds gender:
- gender barung and
- gender panerus.

gender barung
gender king sized, beroktaf low until middle. one of the instrument beginning, gender barung perfoming pattern
song pattern intonation steady (cengkok) that can creat texture sonoritas thick and strengthen taste pathet gendhing.
several gendhing has opener that perfominged gender barung; gendhing this called gendhing gender.
in the theatre of leather puppet, player gender has principal character must perfoming the instrument only just pemah stop during all night long in game gendhing, sulu, and grimingan.

gender panerus
gender measure little, beroktaf middle until tall. although noodle instrument there shouldn't be no in ensemble, texture wealth increase the presence gamelan.
gender this perfoming the song in steady knock song pattern and hurry.

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Kethoprak Lesung

as according to the name, castanets that used in ketoprak this consist of mortar, kendang, fly and flute.
story that brought people stories that centre around life at pademangan - pademangan, when demang talking about pest tackling problem that bumping into their village or stories about sir farmer and mbok farmer in cultivate their rice field.
therefore costume mempakaipun like their conditon a day day as rural district citizen, augmenting meagrely make up has realist.
to stage ketoprak mortar is wanted supporter as much as ± 22 person, that is 15 person for players (man and woman) and 7 person as musicians.
in the theatre of this is special vocalist existence unknown or waranggana.
vocal to escort music is done together either by also player.
show ketoprak this mortar uses stage shaped arena with circle formed floor design.
up to now ketoprak existing mortar stills to defend light facilities shaped torch, but there also show ketoprak mortar that use lamp.
one of [the] difference ketoprak mortar with ketoprak gamelan dance element existence.
when does enter or out grand stand or activity other player ketoprak mortar do it with dance has improvisation.
long show ketoprak this mortar depend on need.
when be asked to play all night long also half night player ketoprak this accustom self with take lakon correct for that, but with note that show only done in bighttime.

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Thursday, December 4, 2008


this artistry form is they say comes from period java kingdom centres formerly, and intrinsically be part from welfare ceremony series or syukuran to all government leadership that will bear new function, for example in order to jumenengan (graduation ceremony), commander dispatch to battlefield, and others. tayub association dance but in the realization can has romantic and can also erotic.
in the execution guests gets devoting sampur from dancer (ledhek).
guest itupun then dance berpasangan with ledhek, seirama with accompaniment gamelan, as according to javanese musical that orderred.
in the begining execution tayuban at the most contest or flexibility exhibition and craft dances berpasangan without leave unggah-ungguh or oriented manner.
but in the distribution at society then happen anomaly so that tend to to evoke opinion that tayub be artistry form menjurus to deed less morality.
at village tengahan, special province yogyakarta, this dance is now usually is conducted in village clean custom ceremony series, that is angsung eat to stubble priest wulung for village welfare.
so the centre in pasarean stubble priest wulung. stubble priest wulung figure tayub at village (tengahan) that.
this village clean ceremony is held every year (also one year once) and usually sehabis harvest.
in period formerly dance tayub at village (tengahan) this is held in bighttime, but because morality deliberation now held in the day time.
thereby artistry function tayub now beside be part from also as show/comfort.
artistry supporter tayub this number around 17 person with main players covers two dancers (ledhek), two woman vocalists (waranggana) and a man vocalist (wirosworo/gerong).
dancer tayub wear realistic costume that is hair at java style hair bun, cloth usually and shawl cloth as breast casing (kemben = java).
except that, dancer still to wear shawl (sampur) to dance.
guests that will be pengibing, the term ketiban sampur, dress complete java that is wears blangkon, coat surjan, cloth, stagen and the dictionary as binder, along with kris/pendok.
pengibing genuinely in tayub this adult man aged between 30 - 60 year.
every pengibing use technics strong java dance or soft with improvisation styles.
more richer movement menguasainya will make scene duet more noisy.
show held when daytime during 6 clocks, begin from clock 10.00 up to clock 16.00.
from clock 10.00 until clock 12.00 that is time loadeds with klenengan as pra-tontonan before show tayub actually begun.
stage tayub be arena concept with floor sometimes shaped circle, straight and often also bent line.
usually to tayub this used verandah of ancient palace kalurahan and or pedukuhan.
as to music instrument that worn gamelan complete java.

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