Friday, February 8, 2008

In a flash sekaten

in a flash sekaten

in the year 1939 caka or 1477 bc, raden broken as regency duke demak petty officer with support guardians builds mosque demak. furthermore based on meeting result guardians, held activity syiar islam continuously during 7 days approach prophet birthday muhammad s. a. w. so that activity interesting people attention, jangled two wares gamelan literary work sunan giri present creation javanese musicals guardians, especially sunan kalijaga.
after follow activity, society that want to embrace islamic religion is guided to say two creed sentences (syahadatain). from word syahadatain that's then appear term sekaten as pronunciation change consequence. sekaten then bloom and held routinely per annum along bloom it kingdom demak be islam kingdom.
such also at the (time) of shift it islam kingdom to mataram with when does islam kingdom mataram divided two (kasultanan ngayogyakarta and kasunanan surakarta) sekaten permanent spreaded out routinely per annum as islam culture inheritance.
at kasultana ngayogyakarta, celebration sekaten then bloom from year to year basically found three main kernel among others:
1. Jangled two wares gamelan (kanjeng priest nagawilaga and kanjeng honey thunder priest) at kagungan dalem pagongan great mosque yogyakarta during 7 successive days, except thursday evening until friday day.
2. Big prophet birthday warning muhammad may Allah bless him and give him peace on 11 mulud evening, at veranda kagungan dalem great mosque, with prophet story reading by slave dalem kasultanan, families, official, and people.
3. Alms gift ngarsa dalem sampean dalem ingkang sinuwun kanjeng sultan, shaped hajad dalem gunungan in ceremony garebeg as top ceremony sekaten.
Supporter activity event menyelenggarakannya market malem celebration sekaten during 39 days, event this be fascination for society jogja also outside jogja.

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