Saturday, February 2, 2008

Java Island

Java name a island in indonesia. this island is biggest thirteenth island at this world. vast this island is 138.793,6 km2 with people around 124 million soul (density 979 souls per km2). with such citizen total, java is island with lot citizen at world and also one of [the] compact island at world. java islander a large part java tribe and sundanese tribe. sundanese tribe especially lives beside west java, temporary java tribe lives at half middle and east. at westside java there also many java tribes communities pockets or tribe that speak java. while in the middle of java there also found kantun-kantong sundanese tribe communities or tribe that speak sundanese, especially at regency brebes and regency cilacap. besides there also tribe madura, and balinese tribe at east java and tribe betawi at westside java at city jakarta and vinicity.
administratively java is divided to be six my level regions:
" capital special district jakarta
" provinsi banten
" provinsi west java
" provinsi central java
" provinsi east java
" special region yogyakarta
This island is part from big sundanese archipelago group and sundanese explanation, which is on time before ice melts to be end south east asian continent

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