Monday, March 24, 2008

Tradition Miyos Gongso and Story Gamelan Sekaten

Approach midnight, second ware gamelan heritage sekaten, priest gunturmadu and priest nogowilogo begin prepared henceforth mempindahkan aim pagongan at mosque gedhe. transfer procession is guarded by 2 bregada palace soldiers, that is bregada soldiers mantrijero and bregada soldiers patangpuluh, banners from all bregada palace soldiers, with amount of slave dalem setingkat regent, good slave dalem keprajan also slave dalem punokawan.

Correct blow 11 evening, carnival convoy miyos gongso begun in atmosphere respect, from gateway or entrance brojonolo, out from palace environment aims mosque gedhe, pass supit urang, sitihinggil, performance and town square. before achieve 2 cage banyan trees in the middle of town square, convoy will turn to west, direct aim mosque entrance gedhe.

Ware second existence gamelan heritage sekaten, priest gunturmadu and priest nogowilogo, doesn't quit of islam kingdoms history at central java, since age kasultanan demak up to stand it palace kasultanan yogyakarta.

in around year 1400 saka, kingdom majapahit fall attack consequence balatentara demak be leadership raden broken. three year then, in the year 1403 saka, stand kasultanan demak. raden broken bertahta with lofty nature rightful sultan degree.

as new power centre, kasultanan demak inherit leavings wealth majapahit, belong gamelan pomegranate fresh priest heritage. gamelan this heritage is then is used to equip gamelan sekaten. after the t that's found a pair gamelan heritage sekaten. one ware is created by kanjeng sunan kalijaga that named priest sekati. one ware again be kingdom inheritance majapahit, then given name nyai sekati. second ware gamelan this heritage always memperdengarkan in festivity sekaten.

along with fall and stand it power centres at java, tradition sekaten along with second ware gamelan also be heritage that bequeathed according to by generations. since collapse kasultanan demak, this tradition is inheritted by kasultanan decorate, and continued by dynasty mataram islam since age kotagede, kerta, plered, up to kartasura and surakarta.

pasca event palihan nagari in the year 1755 that divide dynasty mataram islam is kasunanan surakarta and kasultanan yogyakarta, as power zones, heritages even also then divided two to each palace. belong gamelan heritage sekaten that be age inheritance kasultanan demak.

kasunanan surakarta inherit gamelan priest heritage sekati, temporary gamelan heritage nyai sekati inheritted by kasultanan yogyakarta. remember gamelan heritage sekaten has a pair, so each palace then mutrani or make duplicate gamelan heritage not memilikinya. thereby, so palace kasultanan yogyakarta then has a pair gamelan heritage sekaten, that is nyai sekati and priest duplicate sekati. pair gamelan that completed to return in age sri sultan hameng buwono i that, then given new name. gamelan heritage nyai sekati given priest new name gunturmadu, temporary duplicate gamelan priest heritage sekati given priest name nogowilogo. gunturmadu meaningful “turun anugerah“, while nogowilogo has meaning “ war victory lestari”.

meanwhile around mosque gedhe, although in atmosphere drizzles, thousands society has waited for carnival convoy arrival miyos gongso. and approach midnight, second ware gamelan heritage sekaten reach gateway or mosque entrance gedhe. after done taking over ceremony, with entire the companions, second ware gamelan heritage sekaten direct brought to aim pagongan.

bregada soldiers mantrijero, guard gamelan priest heritage gunturmadu aim pagongan at half south. temporary bregada soldiers patangpuluh, guard gamelan priest heritage nogowilogo aim pagongan at borthside.

pagongan a grand stand formed building, peculiarly used to laid all at once memperdengar gamelan heritage sekaten in each month maulud. as gamelan heritage sekaten, building pagongan also number a pair, located in mosque front page gedhe, in side north and south. gamelan priest heritage gunturmadu always laided at pagongan half south, temporary gamelan priest heritage nogowilogo laided at pagongan borthside.

at second building pagongan this, second ware gamelan heritage memperdengarkan continual every day a weeklong, except to times sholat and in evening friday up to after sholat friday.

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