Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Macapat java classic tradisional song/javanese song. macapat also can be found in balinese culture, madura, and sundanese. when payed from genealogy language(kerata alkali), macapat mean maca papat-papat(read four). way of reading intertwins every four syllable. macapat estimated to appear by the end of majapahit and begined it influence walisanga at java. but estimate still bot sure, for no written evidence that can ascertain. macapat many used in several java literatures tengahan lan new java literature. if compared with kakawin, rules in macapat easier. age books mataram new, like wedhatama, wulangreh, passage of koran fiber hidayat teak, kalatidha, and the other is composed with this song. rules is on:
Teacher gatra: gatra/line total every stanza.
Teacher wilangan: tribe total word/wanda every gatra/line.
Song teacher: syllable voice dropping every gatra/line.
Basically, macapat there are some kind, usually divided in three kinds that is:
Fresh macapat or fresh alit
Macapat this also called javanese song macapat original, many worn in so many need kind. sequence java javanese song equal to human life trip from begin baby until died. sequence like hereunder:

describe baby stills in the mother pregnancy, not yet known the sex kind, kumambang mean to float in mother pregnancy.

Mean gived and clear man or woman.

Mean youth, importantest for boy look for science as much as possible.

From word kanthi or tuntun that mean to guided so that can endure life at world.

Mean to love, love man to woman or on the contrary that be god fate.

From word jumbuh / ally that mean when ally in love, woman and man can endure to coexist.

Describe human life in when success reaches aim. find marriage partner, give birth to child, prosperous life, etc.

From word darma / alms. human if felt alive enough, in self is growing affection taste to the fellow that afflictions, so that will grow willing to will share. the mentioned is supported also from religion morality and human social character.

From word mungkur that mean to remove angry rude desire air. be alive priority willing unutk share and care with fellow.

From word megat spirit/pegat rohe or pisahnya soul, when does death fate come.

When live body remained, wrapped up with white calico or mempocong before buried.

Fresh madya or fresh tengahan
Macapat this type of, like song javanese song for example often worn in age majapahit.


Fresh ageng
Fresh macapat ageng (gedhe) there's only one, that is girisa. if reviewed from the difficulty level, fresh macapat ageng like javanese song kakawin ancient age.

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