Thursday, November 13, 2008


tanduranira sumilirana
ijo royo tansah anyarana
angonana, dom-dumana taneman ira
matia uripana, wasuhana dodotira
ngangkah esuk tumraping afternoon
ngolong jembaring bumine
ngalong angkasane

The above is true: that ceremony, like laik ceremonies at seluasan java geography, bamed as rasulan. because i don't know, i am expressly not want nlesih in detail originally. a selayang-sepandang mythology, or precisely ethnography mengukuh existence a supreme being, strength that exceed creature limitedness. a ritual ngrumangsani meng-afirmasi concept freud, weber, strauss, or derrida. or he is in advance sophisticated from their theory? like that, ability awali spiritualitas human nest realize ke-ruh-an and ke-agrikultural-an. in mankind and mother earth; a narrative history of the world, toynbee say that so first human tries cultured with adjust plants. that is around valley sumeria. five times one thousand year slimmer afterwards, they, ones bejiharjo that, may be new imitate person sumeria—atau because really spirit primordial human at split manapun really ‘menjadi tahu’ only depend on on time difference, so bot because of accusation imitasiasi. i am their civilization age sure stills very young, to not say not yet how does long if compared sumeria, akaddia, egypt, indus, or south america. strength nature property, so javanese describes jagad gumelar at time then. perhaps because java ideology intrinsically refer in the great grand father at valley indus. apostolicity (reads: leadership) from nature. with tetumbuhan. so, person sumeria so first will try menumbuh rice in big scale because will worry food source around river basin too long will finished mengonsumsi. one thousand year after it south america ones membudidaya corn as their respect nature benediction. they, ones bejiharjo that? they possible support myth kosmogoni in pararaton: cultivate rice plants as incarnation or ‘teknologi barukan’nya goddess sri. world occupants on (god/wi) in large numbers berkoloni at world middle with task each. there that make house, there the blacksmith, there bercocok plant. sri and sadana cross; while plant. and plant. then go home to world on in “sri mulih”, so if we are tilik lakon. exactly by what first civilizinged person sumeria: plant, then make tool from iron atawa bronze. their great grand father creats that myth hegemony then melegalisasikan in pararaton? or pararaton along with every myth reinforcement in praktik cultivation culture mutual berkolaborasi creat cosmology? at least, konsepsi base java cosmology awaken in paradox, or may be fiter as dualism (or duality? ). jagad gedhe beroposisi jagad little. sky berpasang earth, and so on. opposition not always absolute, so if i refer strauss trace ketaksadaran human.
during the time plant ini—dan time plants other tentunya—jikapun analyzed so they are more many get to lost from in pametu enough. even also to merely suffice rice provision, dried cassava, corn, dhele, a month coming. even less for time plants next. they must yasa buy seed (wiji)di market, or swop seed with farmer other. that's unitary meaning wiji for them. wiji beginning (mulaning dumadi, beginning meng-ada). so before begin ‘meng-ada-kan’ tetumbuhan, mengawalilah ritually wiwitan. wiwitan begin with ubarampe. as does ‘yang mula’ begin with zeitgeist, soul, or ruh, beginning from plants is preced with jambe order, endhog, klapa, glass, etc as ruh. this is merely guardianship from wiwitaning dumadi, beginning from anything mengada, that.
so, after plants is supported, arrive the time is returned in the cycle; realized wiji. in order to time space here's rasulan achieve the meaning. rasulan as order introspection vehicle jagad gedhe and jagad little in harmony. river, pundhen (great grand father grand mother cemetary), so get attention. cognizance about ‘mengadanya’ river as life water source, as life contributor, genuinely laided in tall rank. river and pundhen cleaned bergotong royong, guyub, nyawiji, clear handarbeni, then given symbolization a kind of long ilang as glorifying. of course not bo use accusation that attributed in ones likes them (by people who considers self pockets truth in the pocket) on pretence kemusri. here's actually true belief in god; on water, on fire, on soil, on air. hope, ritual this chase away far all ‘gangguan’ up to cool. perhaps the same as with beginning civilization ones sumeria or egypt that choose ‘menghidupi’ rivers in order to retard to wander. pundhen, more as honour kosmogoni seed kawit, their genesis. this series is more complete with ubarampe, sold out several societies with kungkum at sungai—penghayatan magic? , also fasting ngebleng.
however, with ritual series that's, has cycle and keberlangsungan, rasulan menapaki titi execute it. be complete when water source glorifying sustained with programme gumbregan (kenduri) at spring sources and at celebration centre of course (village couch). thank god merapalkan to life designer (soil, plants, water, air, space under the bed, and so on), support, and ‘hidup’ itself. ungeling gamelan that fill sela-jeda ritual more mengukuh life cycle mulur-mungkret, at gong stoppage then move again, or berdiam-tercekat to soon bersorak-tertawa. tledhek, campursari, reyog, kethoprak, wayangan, be effective vehicle as mnemonic device at ketaksadaran collective society bejiharjo that human with every ‘budaya’ proper alive is supported until they are pundhen, until be the itself cycle. a time at i don't know they are not desist it to inform nature harmony enthusiasm in duality/me-.
but, whatever name that cling to him: rasulan, merti village, wilujengan village, clean village, sedhekah earth, or other stereotype, proof ‘kepatuhan’ human existence ‘ego not batas’ far planted at ketaksadaran human. in short: he is difficulter menorehkan with words than ‘dibaca’ so saja—seperti i do some time then. perhaps as does human collective dream about apostolicity ‘satu strength always melingkupinya’: earth in direction femininum with sky as masculine direction, water as essence essence urip, also sun, or universal. whatever term in aid of ’yang merujuknya’: the prince, the earth breath, which, wholyone, supreme being, ego takterbatas, sing gawe urip, sing nguripi, the wenang, the brahman, the paramatman, allah, or a part little on the quiet still ‘meyakini’ as the dhanyang (pundhen), or with whatever us try to depute it with concepts teologis-spiritual even also with words. or really therefore more because kubur long and far in berurotic we are so that with whatever us merujukkan so not beddha. also with alliteration rasulan at bejiharjo that. at every tuesday wage, at every taun the java, they say as beginning menggerakkannya urip and panguripan at for the width of oikumene that. .

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